Sole Paint thoroughly cleanses the underside of a horse’s foot. The powerful active ingredients work on the underside of the foot, toughen the hoof and support the natural growth of healthy frog tissue.
Sole Paint is a thick liquid that can be painted on for convenience and excellent coverage. Its thick consistency helps it penetrate into the deeper grooves of the foot.
Sole Paint is recommended for stubborn foot odour and discolouration, it also helps toughen weak horn tissues.
Sole Paint - Red Horse Products
All ingredients in Sole Paint are natural and have been chosen to improve the condition of the sole and frog or improve the consistency of the product.
- Zinc sulphate
- Natural Minerals
- Honey
- Natural oils
- French green clay
- Coconut oil
- Natural surfactant
- Natural preservative
Sole Paint est très efficace pour améliorer la santé de la sole et des fourchettes. Permettant un soulagement rapide, il ne nécrose pas les tissus sains et contribue au processus de guérison. Il est également facile à utiliser.
Après des mois de soins assidus avec les produits Red Horse, j'ai enfin récupéré des fourchettes dignes de ce nom (pourries depuis des années).