Or-Bones is a food complement recommended for a horse having undergone a demineralization, an osseous affectation, a fracture or after a surgery.
He allows to balance and to strengthen the osseous functioning of the foal or for the old horse. It contribues to support the musculoskeletal system of the horse subjected to intense efforts ( running, jumping, endurance, dressage … ).
This product 100% natural participate in the repair of bone, articular surfaces and improve the protection of the cartilages which are the assets of the performance.
It strengthens the skeleton of the foal by bringing quite elements essential to a good growth.
Or-Bones is particularly recommended for all the horses suffering from problems specific osteo articular.
Or-Bones is a mix of plants and essential oils specially selected for their contribution of structural elements of the bone tissue and for their power of remineralization and healing.
Or Bones - Or Vet
Fluid extracts : Horsetail, rosemary, mellilot, stinging nettle, dandelion, queen of meadows, concentrated sailor in salt of magnesium, chloride of sodium and potassium, organic silica, chrysanthellum extract, white willow exctract, calcium, phosphor, manganese, zinc, selenium, copper, lithotamne.
Essential oils : Eucalyptus, niaouli, ylang-ylang.
Oligo elements : Calcium, phosphor, copper, salts of magnsium, sodium chloride and potassium.
Give 20ml/ days directly in the mouth with a syringe after have shaken the bottle. Rather except the meals.
Use during 1 month, to renew several times if need be.