Post Effort Lotion by Cura Naturale optimizes your pet's recovery process after exercise. It allows you to maintain a good general state of form and prevent the risk of musculoskeletal pathologies. The oily macerate of Arnica and the vegetable oil of Grape Seed and Calophylle Inophylle penetrate the different layers of the skin to reach the muscle, tendon, joint and bone tissues. They allow essential oils to act optimally in the targeted area. Endowed with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and circulatory tonic properties, they reinforce the actions of aromatic active ingredients in order to effectively relieve your animal.
The essential oils of Peppermint, Patchouli, Vetiver, Lavandin Super and Turpentine have a powerful anti-inflammatory action. They act on the targeted area by preventing inflammatory molecules from forming. Also endowed with analgesic properties, they quickly calm the pain. The menthol present in this treatment brings a pleasant feeling of cold which will be felt on the painful areas thanks to its anesthetic power. Their phlebotonic and lymphotonic properties facilitate the elimination of toxins accumulated during exercise and reduce microtraumas. This care product is ideal for eradicating the risk of muscle soreness and engorgement of a limb after a sports session.
Post effort lotion - Cura Naturale
Grape Seed HV: With its strong penetrating power, Grape Seed vegetable oil is an excellent vector for the active ingredients. It penetrates the different layers of the skin to reach muscle, tendon, joint and bone tissue. Essential oils can act in depth, optimally and for a long time.
Arnica Oily Macerate: After exercise, muscle, tendon and joint tension lead to tissue inflammation. Arnica oily macerate naturally finds its place in this synergy to provide its own anti-inflammatory molecules. It helps to act at the heart of the inflammation to eliminate it by providing lactones. In addition, Arnica has analgesic and circulatory properties that reinforce the action of essential oils for increased efficiency. A vegetable carrier oil is thus obtained which also fulfills the role of active principle, to provide long-lasting relief and as quickly as possible.
HE Peppermint: Local analgesic, Peppermint essential oil is a powerful painkiller by “cold effect”. Composed of more than 30% menthol, when applied to the skin, it stimulates cold receptors resulting in an anesthetic action by a feeling of freshness. It calms effectively and thus provides a pleasant feeling of cold on the painful areas. Anti-inflammatory, it acts on inflammation by preventing inflammatory molecules from forming in the targeted area. Vasoconstrictor, it reactivates the circulatory systems by decongesting the blood vessels as well as the lymphatics, which prevents the appearance of congestion.HE Patchouli: Anti-inflammatory, Patchouli essential oil relieves inflammation occurring after exercise. Phlebotonic and lymphotonic, it is known to facilitate and regulate blood and lymphatic circulation in order to eliminate the agents responsible for inflammation. Tonic and general stimulant, Patchouli restores tone to the whole body, allowing to maintain a good general state of form.
HE Vetiver: Vetiver essential oil has real phlebotonic and lymphotonic properties. The stimulation of the venous and lymphatic circulation allows a supply of oxygen and essential nutrients to the damaged tissues as well as a faster elimination of the molecules responsible for the pain. It also helps the other molecules of the synergy to treat possible engorgements thanks to its anti-inflammatory and calming properties, which helps to relieve your animal and accelerate its recovery process.HE Lavandin Super: After an effort, muscles, tendons and joints must rest. Lavandin Super essential oil brings to this synergy its calming, anxiolytic and sedative properties. It acts on the nervous system and thus reduces excitability and stress, both of which are factors that tend to tense the muscles and therefore promote the appearance of cramps. Musculotropic spasmolytic, it releases and relaxes the muscles which will be better able to be repaired from the micro-lesions caused by the effort. Also antalgic, its presence in the synergy, coupled with other oils, is essential to soothe the pain often present post effort.
HE Turpentine: Anti-rheumatic and stimulating, the monoterpenes of this essential oil have a cortisone-like action. That is to say, they activate the adrenal glands, which will produce cortisol with anti-inflammatory and general tonic properties. It reduces joint or muscle inflammation and helps in case of low energy or temporary fatigue after exercise. Oxygenating, the essential oil of Turpentine promotes good oxygenation to the respiratory and muscular systems. It re-oxygenates the tissues used and thus allows better recovery following exercise.
Je l'utilise après chaque effort moyen pour soutenir les tendons de mon cheval. Grâce à elle, des tendons bien secs même après l'effort.