Eleutherococcus by ESC Laboratoire is a forest plant that grows abundantly in the forests of eastern Siberia, China and Japan. It colonizes mixed forests located beyond the geographical limit of ginseng and can reach 1 to 3 meters high. It is the roots, harvested at the end of spring or in autumn, which are used for their benefits in herbal medicine. Components: used in cases of fatigue, this plant contains phenolic compounds (eleutherosides in particular B and E) which give it unique adaptogenic and tonic properties. It also contains beta-carotene, vitamins: C and E, minerals calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium as well as trace elements. Eleutherococcus, a natural tonic allowing your horse to regain shape and tone. A true energy stimulant, Eleutherococcus is useful in cases of physical and nervous fatigue, intensive training, change of environment, convalescence, etc. This plant also helps support the immune system. What to combine the Eleutherococcus care product with? To support immunity, you can combine Eleutherococcus with Echinacea, this plant is recommended especially during cold snaps or in periods of risk. In case of stressful situation, you can use Equistress flash. This complementary food packaged in syringe form is easy to use and acts quickly. It is also possible to combine Eleutherococcus with Spirulina, microalgae rich in proteins (57%), vitamin A, vitamin B12, iron and antioxidants. It is recommended for working horses, convalescent horses, senior horses or growing foals.
Eleutherococcus - ESC Laboratoire
Directions for use: dose to add to the basic ration of an adult horse (550kg): 20 g per day for 3 weeks. If possible, distribute in 2 daily doses. To be renewed if necessary. Do not hesitate to seek the advice of your veterinarian before use or extension. Precautions for use: not recommended for pregnant or lactating mares or foals. Formulated for equines. Close tightly after use. Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Doping control: this product contains one or more doping substances, stop its distribution before an official event. Ask a veterinarian for advice on the waiting period (usually 5 days).
Raw material for horse feed Analytical constituents: protein 2.4%, fat 0.7%, cellulose 57.7%, ash 1.5%, loss on drying 9.1%. Without additives. Bacteriological analysis validated by an independent laboratory. Controlled and packaged in France.